During the month of February we talked about some great ideas to prepare for, and maintain, success in 2024. This starts with your personal goals and growth which can all be impacted positively with consistency in fitness. Mary Anne’s personal trainer, Jonny Slick, provided habits for us to follow all year long. On the business side of things we learned that positive growth isn’t all about the numbers. Showing appreciation and focusing on relationships can do wonders for the organization as a whole.
Let us know what you look forward to learning more about in the future!
Culture of Appreciation Drives Positive Business Growth
In the workplace, our relationships are paramount, and one key aspect of creating and maintaining high-functioning, successful relationships with our teammates is fostering a culture of appreciation.
Transformative Habits for a Sustainable 2024 Fitness Journey
As we plan for 2024, one aspect worth consideration is physical well-being, so Mary Anne reached out to her best resource, Jonny Slick, owner of Straight Shot Training and her personal coach for his tips on how to set yourself up for success in this area.