2023 is in the rearview mirror. We all had ups and downs, and there are habits we’d like to leave behind and new habits we hope to create. As we plan for 2024, one aspect worth consideration is physical well-being, so Mary Anne reached out to her best resource, Jonny Slick, owner of Straight Shot Training and her personal coach for his tips on how to set yourself up for success in this area. Here is his professional advice.

Do you have any health goals for yourself this year? As a personal trainer, I often get clients coming to me this time of year looking for some guidance with goals that may be similar to yours. I’d like to share with you 5 tips I give them to help them make practical and sustainable changes in their habits to achieve those goals. With each, there is a behavior that you may have done before but is best left in 2023, while a new tactic or strategy is given in contrast for you to put into practice in 2024.

Leave in 2023:

Being overly restrictive with your diet.

Learn in 2024:

Enjoying all things in moderation.

Being overly restrictive with your diet can have detrimental effects on your physical and mental health. While it’s essential to make mindful choices about what you eat, excessively limiting yourself can lead to nutritional deficiencies and a lack of balance in your diet. Restrictive diets often result in missing out on essential nutrients that support various bodily functions, potentially leading to fatigue, weakness, and other health issues. Embracing a more balanced approach by enjoying all things in moderation allows for a more sustainable and enjoyable relationship with food. This approach not only provides the body with a diverse range of nutrients but also allows for a more flexible and realistic approach to eating. By incorporating a variety of foods in moderation, individuals can meet their nutritional needs, maintain a healthier mindset towards food, and enjoy a more sustainable and long-term approach to overall well-being.

Leave in 2023:

Doing random workouts.

Learn in 2024:

Finding and following a structured program.

Performing random workouts you find online might offer a sense of spontaneity, but it often lacks the strategic planning necessary for comprehensive physical improvement. Following a structured program is essential for achieving tangible results in fitness. Structured programs provide a clear roadmap with a targeted focus on various aspects such as strength, endurance, and flexibility. They are designed to progressively challenge the body, allowing for consistent growth and adaptation. Additionally, structured programs help prevent burnout and can reduce the risk of injuries by ensuring a balanced and well-rounded approach to fitness. By adhering to a well-designed program, you can optimize your efforts, track your progress, and make the most of your time in the gym.

Leave in 2023:

Following influencers who make eating and training stressful for you.

Learn in 2024:

Following qualified trainers, coaches, and nutritionists who speak on the importance of the basics with empathy and understanding.

Many influencers in the fitness realm prioritize clickbait content over sound advice, leading to confusion and stress for their followers. These influencers might promote extreme diets, trendy workouts, and quick fixes, which are often unsustainable and lack scientific backing. Furthermore, the lack of proper credentials and experience in nutrition and fitness coaching can result in misguided information. This is why it’s important to follow qualified trainers, coaches, and nutritionists who provide content grounded in the basics. It’s a plus if they can do it with empathy and understanding, making it easier to incorporate practical strategies into your exercise and nutrition habits. These professionals offer evidence-based advice, prioritize overall well-being, and advocate for sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick, drastic measures. By choosing to follow individuals with the necessary qualifications and practical insights, you can make more informed decisions about your health, leading to a more positive and effective approach to improving your health.

Leave in 2023:

Doing cardio just to lose weight.

Learn in 2024:

Doing cardio for your heart and lung health and focusing on strength training and diet for weight loss.

Cardio alone, while beneficial for heart and lung health, may not be the most efficient strategy for weight loss. Cardiovascular exercises like walking, running, biking, and swimming primarily target heart and lung health and endurance does burn calories, but it does not effectively maintain or build muscle mass. To achieve weight loss more effectively, incorporating strength training is crucial. Strength training helps preserve and build lean muscle mass, which is essential for boosting metabolism and reducing your body fat percentage. Combine this strength training with consuming fewer calories than your body is burning each day (aka a “calorie deficit”) is the best way to lose bodyfat while maintaining lean muscle mass. By all means, keep doing cardio though! But not simply just to burn calories. Cardio plays a vital role in enhancing heart and lung function, reducing stress, improving your mood, and making everyday tasks easier, while being part of a well-balanced routine.

Leave in 2023:

Abiding by the mantra: “No days off.”

Learn in 2024:

Incorporating rest days to give your body time to recover, repair, and be ready for more productive workouts the next day.

The mantra of “no days off” may be prevalent online, but in reality, rest days are just as important as training days. Training every day without giving your body adequate time to rest and recover can hinder your progress and overall fitness. Rest days are crucial for several reasons. They give muscles the opportunity to repair and grow stronger, reducing the risk of overtraining and potential injuries. Proper rest also enhances performance during subsequent workouts, allowing for more productive and efficient training sessions. Adequate rest also plays a significant role in weight loss and muscle development, as it contributes to hormonal balance and optimal metabolic function. Furthermore, incorporating rest days positively impacts sleep quality, mental well-being, and immune system function. Ultimately, understanding the importance of rest in your training program will help you find a safer and more sustainable approach to training while helping you make more progress toward virtually any fitness goal you have.

Now, all of this being said, I don’t expect you to change everything all at once. If you haven’t picked up on it yet, I’m not the type of fitness professional who has unrealistic expectations of you. So start by identifying one or two of the “2023” habits above and see what strategies from the “2024” tactics you can employ to take that first step towards a healthier and happier you. Just be sure to speak to your doctor before engaging in any new fitness or nutritional program and don’t hesitate to reach out to a personal trainer for help too!

If you have any questions about how to get started with some of these tactics, he’d love to chat more. Just email Jonny at Jonny@straightshottraining.com.