by tgale | Sep 21, 2021 | Process Improvement
Do you need to create more effective, productive communication in your team or organization? If so, here is a proven strategy I often teach clients. When we reach out to a team member, we need something — typically one of these 5 things: We need to give them a heads...
by tgale | Aug 27, 2019 | Leadership Development
Laura is a new manager who has six employees reporting to her. Five of the six employees are inquisitive, take initiative, know when to ask for assistance, and receive feedback well. The sixth employee does not. Laura shared several ways she has tried to engage with...
by transform | Mar 26, 2019 | Process Improvement
Sometimes feedback feels more like a _________ than a _________. When’s the last time one of your team members asked you for some direct feedback? The answer to that question is probably as good as any to take a random “pulse check” of culture at your organization. In...
by transform | Mar 5, 2019 | Process Improvement
All around us there are small hints and signs of spring’s imminent arrival*. Perhaps it is nature’s way, to present us with a polite and gentle nudge, that helps us remember there is potential and possibility to renew and grow every day. Regardless of how the message...
by transform | Feb 26, 2019 | Transformational Coaching
Chances are, you’ve already made 50+ decisions from the time you’ve started your day to this moment — when you are reading your weekly email/post from us. There is no shortage of things to make decisions about. We make hundreds, sometimes thousands, of choices in our...