Happy Holidays – How are you faring?  Here’s our check-in list to help you know.  Use it to help keep your energy, attention, and focus on what’s really important: health and wellbeing.

How are you?

  • How is your energy level? (0-10)
  • What is your stress level? (0-10)
  • What feelings might be active and not being acknowledged?
  • What kind of self-care would soothe you right now?
  • How present/distracted are you?
  • Are there any lingering or immediate issues that you need to address?
  • Are there any conversations you need to have?
  • What connections or reconnections might you need to make?
  • What change is being asked of you? How are you responding?
  • How is gratitude operating in your life right now?

If you find yourself a bit off-kilter or would like to stay in-check, pick a strategy or two from below to find your way back to center.

Practice Strategies

  • Pause and breathe.
  • Recognize what is causing you stress.
  • Consider if you can avoid or minimize stressors.
  • Widen your understanding and perception of the situation.
  • Shift your energy and refocus your awareness.
  • Compassionately investigate the source of your reactivity.
  • Name the reaction, feeling, or resistance.
  • Ask for help – utilize both your “external” and “internal” resources.

Not only are we here to celebrate wonderful wins with you, we are here when it’s all too much. You know where to find us.  301.419.2835