Picture this: You’ve arrived at work this morning and more than three-fourth of the team isn’t there. Now, what?

Of all the workforce trends, topics and “buzzworthy” opportunities for improvement demanding your focus and attention employee experience and engagement should clearly be at the top of the list. Why? The team with the best talent wins. Plain and simple.

Recent research helps shed light the real and urgent need to transform. According to Gallup* employee engagement in the workplace has stalled – leaving 85% of global employees either not engaged or actively disengaged at work. There is also real pressure from the bottom up to shift from traditional management practices.

Here are a few nuggets from the survey to consider this week:

1. Grow them or be prepared to watch them go.

When teams develop – they grow. Time and again, we’ve seen leaders invest in their team and then the performance follows.

2. Feedback feels good for the person who gives it but coaching works.

Gallup shares another reality, “Today’s employees don’t want command-and-control bosses. They want to work with team leaders who coach them, value them and help them build their strengths.” Work on your coaching skills and see how it effects attitudes and performance.

3. Get humble. Ask to learn. Uncover what isn’t working.

Are you sure your direct reports and you are aligned and engaged? Be authentic and ask. You just may be surprised what you uncover. You can’t fix what you don’t know.

We get it: Managing people is challenging. When you invest time and energy in your own leadership development you ensure you able to move your team and organization forward. Often, that feels like enough. Don’t stop there. In order to really move the needle on engagement you should commit your efforts to developing the whole team.

Ready to focus on changing the engagement experience and culture at your organization? Let’s talk.

*Sources: Gallup Workplace TrendsWhy Manager Development Is a Top Goal for Leaders This Year and  How Your Manager Experience Shapes Your Employee Experience


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