Can you recall the last time you powered down your computer AND smart phone and stepped away from all screens to just rest, relax and enjoy real life interactions with live people such as your family and friends? Unplugging, or living life without computer related devices for one or more days, sounds a little challenging in theory, until you experience the post-detox “refresh.”

Rates of digital burnout and fatigue are on the rise. Why wait for your annual vacation to practice this important aspect of selfcare? Besides, like Anne Lamott said, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

Now let’s address the post headline. How long did it take you to know your “why” and fill in the blank? The truth is there’s no, one, right answer. The “blank” can—and likely will—shift each time you make a choice to step away from technology, connect and engage with people in real time, face to face conversations.

Here are two larger questions to consider asking yourself:

  • What happens after you choose to unplug?
  • How does unplugging make you feel?

Challenge yourself to use this month to start a new habit. Select one day a week to completely unplug and ask yourself these questions. Find new ways to cultivate the experience and determine the value unplugging brings to your life.

Not to sound trite, but we admit that completely unplugging has become increasingly difficult in this 24/7, always “on,” digital day and age. These days the question isn’t are you connected. Pivot and use our unplugging challenge as an opportunity to find out if you are really connecting.


To learn more about the National Day of Unplugging visit