“Courage is all about taking action.  Courage requires discipline, vitality and guts to face those tasks in your profession which make you feel uncomfortable.

Accepting a “no” isn’t an act of courage, unless you take a “no” personally.  Calling a communication triangle with a colleague when you know you are gossiping, rather than having a productive conversations, is courageous if you thrive on talking ‘about’ others.  Going to a colleague or employee to apologize after you spoke harshly to them, takes courage if you’ve never done that before.  Calling a client and telling them you can’t deliver on a service you promised isn’t courage unless you are in the habit of “over promising” as a way to get their business.

Courage belongs to everyone who faces inner fear.  In your darkest moments, sitting on the edge of your bed at night, making the day-to-day decision in your work (or life), looking for the strength to face tomorrow, and deciding to deal with your fears….that takes courage.

What a shame that we are sometimes overwhelmed by our fears that we can’t see our finest characteristic is about to take us to new heights … and its name is courage.”
David Sandler (paraphrased by Theresa)

Whether in sales or not, what are your greatest fears?

How will you face them this week?

Celebrate the little steps you take this week that nudge you our of your fears and into taking “little acts of courage.”