In every personal or business relationship, on teams or at home, open, compassionate, honest, self-aware communication is oh so important. Take a look at what we’ve excerpted from one of our favorite Enneagram books, The Essential Enneagram,* about how the different Enneagram types approach communication, and see what resonates with you.
*Excerpted from The Essential Enneagram by David Daniels, M.D. and Virginia Price, PH.D.
You might also ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the best way to communicate with me? If you coworkers, friends, and loved ones know the Enneagram, share your responses with them.
- Another good question would be to take a heartfelt look and see which types are a challenge for you?
- Lastly, see if you can identify the root of those challenges?
If you’d like to explore this further personally or for your company or team, give us a call.