Zoom is here to stay, and thank god for that. Video conferencing has helped keep businesses afloat this last year. Transform and our clients have certainly benefitted. Although not a perfect substitute, video conferencing has created opportunities for colleagues, friends and families to stay connected. Nothing will ever replace live, in-person meetings, but moving forward, virtual options will allow for greater efficiencies and easy client connections as well as ways to expand your market. It will be fascinating to see how this new way of doing business is integrated as we move into the future.

And, yes indeed, “Zoom fatigue” is real, so we have to learn how to manage it.  Here is an article from Entrepreneur with some tips.

“Zoom fatigue exists, and here are 4 ways to transform it” By: Daniel Colombo

If you have additional tips to share, please let us know so we can get the word out.