Every day, each of the nine Enneagram types are challenged in new and different ways. When we are challenged, it is important to think about how we can plug into some personal power tips for our types, and in doing so overcome any obstacle. If you haven’t a clue what the Enneagram is or what Type you are, don’t worry! Read through these nine statements and pick the one that most fits for you this week.

Type 1 – The Perfectionist

Relax today. See how many times you can accept yourself and others. When self or other judgment arises, and it will, gently remember there is perfection in each and every moment.

Type 2 – The Giver

What if just for today you could give yourself what you need, you know, like you do for others? What if, just today, you ask yourself “what do I want?”

Type 3 – The Performer

Spend one day without a list of “To-Do’s”. Wander through the day noticing that there is nothing that must be done right now; that things are moving quite nicely without your effort. The sun came up and it set, and you didn’t have to do one thing.

Type 4 – The Romantic

Take a trip on the mundane train. Do all the things that you abhor doing, those boring useless things that actually need to be completed. See how you feel at the end of the day.

Type 5 – The Observer

Make today, National Connection Day. Reach out to someone new or to an old friend and just talk about how life is going for them and for you.

Type 6 – The Loyalist

In SELF we trust – that’s today’s motto. Make a list of all the people and things you trust in and, of course, reflect on how many times you’ve come through for yourself and for others.

Type 7 – The Epicure

Ok… time to go in slow motion for the day. Make a list, follow it to the T, pay attention to your thoughts as they jump around and gently bring yourself back to the task at hand.

Type 8 – The Protector

Ahhh… make today a gentle day. Be soft and squishy. Share how you feel with someone you love and let them see a side of you that they’ve never seen before.

Type 9 – The Mediator

Just for today you are focused, clear and in sync with what you want and need to do today. Watch for the need to divert yourself from YOU and your agenda but don’t be stubborn, rather, set some boundaries so that both your agenda and others’ agendas are met.


The Enneagram and Relationships in Focus

Join Mary Anne Wampler, Theresa Gale, and representatives of each Enneagram Type as they explore the dynamic and fertile ground of the Enneagram and Relationships.

Reserve your space here, today!


Have you taken our survey yet?

We believe this is the perfect time to capture how each Enneagram Type is dealing with this crisis, and we need your input!

Take our 6 question survey here.