All around us there are small hints and signs of spring’s imminent arrival*. Perhaps it is nature’s way, to present us with a polite and gentle nudge, that helps us remember there is potential and possibility to renew and grow every day.
Regardless of how the message arrives, NOW is a good time to understand movement towards recognizing and embracing “What’s Ahead” gives you and the business a valuable advantage.
Is your “ear to the ground?” Have you been listening for clues and information regarding customer habits, interactions and expectations? Even better, have you determined it would be a good time to give your clients a voice and schedule a client focus group with us? If “yes,” let’s talk soon!
Why? Understanding key shifts in expectations, preferences and larger trends serves to reinforce what your team is (or isn’t) delivering to meet customer demands and expectations. It also helps you get a better “napkin sketch” of what messaging you should choose to work on — and find proactive solutions for — in order to get ahead of the curve.
Another good idea is to look “under the hood” at the “engine” of the business. Take some time to assess and consider what process improvements you can lead. Are there business “tools” that need to be upgraded, or could be better utilized? By the time you finish this exercise you’ll likely find additional clues to follow up on. In the end, it is essential to optimize technology tools. It puts you ahead of your competition and helps the business stay on the cutting edge.
Annual spring cleaning serves a real purpose. So, play to your strengths and encourage your team to stay curious and stretch themselves — even if they get “sore.” Because a little extra elbow grease and experimentation now, serves to help you get a better view of where the business should recalibrate. You decide what’s on your list and then, let’s set time to talk about how to make it happen.
*Do you have spring fever yet? We’re ready to share we do.