This is a great excerpt from the article, The Origins of Courage, by Fiona Gifford.

“Courage – the word itself comes from the old french word for heart; coer.(now coeur). So courage is literally belonging to the heart.

“I know that courage comes from the heart because the head would say ‘no’.”

Courage is not fearlessness. Quite the contrary. Courage feels the fear and acts anyway; it is strong enough to overcome our most basic neurological response to avoid danger or threat. Courage knows that failure will extract a very high price and yet still takes that risk. Sometimes it is a simple gamble based on the odds of failure versus the value of a higher prize; but that’s a little “head” interference.

The head interference is a challenge because the brain is rational and articulate; as a result we pay it most attention. In contrast, the heart finds it hard to speak clearly; as a result it needs us to pay more attention.

Courage is an essential trait for developing leadership and one that is only potent when it comes from complete authenticity and a willingness to be vulnerable. It’s ironic that such strength comes from our weakness; from our fear and vulnerability. But only when we also have a clear sense of who we are and what we stand for do we find true courage.”

So where does your courage come from?  What events cause you to dig deep and find your courage?  What does it look and feel like when you are acting courageously? What are you most fearful about?  Explore courage this week and let us know what you find!