This is the title of a sales book that is about how to win complex sales deals yet the title lends itself to so many situations that we thought we’d look at it as this week begins.

“Hope motivates virtually all human activity. Hope is the powerhouse internal trigger that automatically helps determine our decisions and our actions.” (The 7 Triggers to Yes, Russell Granger)

In interactions with others, hope is powerful… hope that another will change their behaviors or attitudes, or hope that a prospect will buy something from us, or hope that the client will send the payment so that you can make payroll or pay the bills.

Hope, however, without action, is not a strategy, it’s just a thought!

If you hope a prospect will buy your product but you don’t follow your sales process,
then hope is not a strategy. If you hope that the client will send the check and you don’t pick up the phone and call to ask where the payment is, then hope is not a strategy. If you hope that an employee shows up for work on time, but you don’t have a conversation with the employee when he/she is late, then hope is not a strategy.

Discovering what you or others hope for is powerful, but without action behind it,
the result is often disappointment.

What do you hope for this week?

What action will you take to turn your hopes into reality?

Make it a week filled with realized hopes!
Mary Anne and Theresa