Some people like to hear information and see the facts and data. Some like to see the big picture before knowing the details. Some like to “sleep on” new information before making a decision. Others need to feel what it will be like to have what they are buying before they say “yes.”
The question is “What do people need to see, hear, feel, and touch before they make a decision to buy?”
Neuro-linguistic Programming teaches that people use three different channels to learn: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The visual channel depends on seeing; the auditory channel relies on hearing; and the kinesthetic channel uses touch. While we all have all three, research shows that everyone has one channel that is more effective or more developed than the others.
The study of the brain reveals that while we use our pre-frontal cortex to gather the data and process information and our neo-cortex to sort through our emotions, it is the limbic center of the brain, our “fight, flight or freeze” center, which makes the final decision to buy. The adage “People buy emotionally” applies here.
How do you tap into the limbic center of the brain or at least make sure you get its attention when you are selling?
Get a feel for the buyer’s preference. Match your language with the buyer’s preference. If a buyer prefers the visual channel, you might ask, “Do you see what I mean?” If the preference is auditory, you might ask, “What do you need to hear from me to make your decision?” If a buyer prefers the kinesthetic channel, you might say, “How does it feel knowing you have a solution to this problem you’ve been struggling with for the last few years?”
Present to all channels–visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Give information verbally, provide written materials, present using pictures, and give opportunities for prospective buyers to touch and get a feel for what they are buying.
Engage the buyer fully during the sales process. Ask lots of questions that get the buyer to discover his/her core emotional buying reasons. Help them conclude that you or your product/service is the right solution for them.
Tell stories that create sensory impressions that use all three learning channels. You’ll know your stories are good if you get a response like “I want that too” or “That’s exactly how I feel.” For stories to impact the limbic brain, make sure you paint a descriptive picture that elicits not just familiarity but desire as well.
If you want to know more, give us a call.