In the film, The Pursuit of Happyness, the character, Chris, played by Will Smith who lives in a homeless shelter with his son, gets an opportunity to be one of hundreds of interns for a Wall Street brokerage firm with the promise of “only a few will make it past the internship.” The competition is fierce but Chris is determined to succeed and overcome all the obstacles in his way. He must “dial for dollars” hours each day and suffer rejection one call after another. The film is a wonderful story about a “down and out” guy who has a vision for a better life, an unshakable persistence in the midst of obstacles and hardship, and a dogged determination to realize his true potential.

This video clip shows the last day of his internship and his meeting with the “deciders” as to whether he’ll stay on as an employee or be let go. Pay attention to the emotions evoked in Chris through the video and how you feel after watching it.

Now take those feelings into your day and week!