What is The Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a powerful and accurate personality system that gives individuals the tools they need to deepen their self-awareness through understanding core motivations, unique strengths, limitations, and blind spots. Each of the 9 Types, 18 wings, and 3 instinctual subtypes provide a framework for self-discovery and a formula for achieving personal mastery.

Discover the 9 Types
The Enneagram system consists of 9 distinct personality types, or ways of interpreting the world, that reveal our individual strengths and blinding barriers to success.
By expanding the knowledge you have of not only your type, but those of others in your life, you are able to better understand yourself as well as the various intentions and behaviors of others, thus deepening your compassion and understanding of how others tend to interpret situations, events, encounters, and experiences.

The Enneagram and You
While knowing your Enneagram type is a great first step towards having it all in your work, relationships, and life, an enriched understanding of it is the true key to personal mastery.
Using The Enneagram in Business
For the past 25 years, Transform has utilized the Enneagram to catalyze personal and professional success for our clients.
We have found that the study and utilization of the Enneagram in organizations significantly impacts both personal and organizational growth. More deeply understanding yourself as well as the style of co-workers and leaders in the organization dramatically increases communication, productivity, retention, employee morale and bottom-line results for the organization.